Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 55: Final Chicago Post

     It's Sunday morning and I'm writing this final blog from the house back in Lisle.  We moved back yesterday and I had time to write but I just couldn't get my head in the right place so I waited until today.  I think that I was looking for an excuse to be angry and several people gave one to me and for most of the morning I took advantage of those opportunities and was a pain in the butt to everyone around me.  But I have a wonderful wife that helped to put things in perspective for me when she told me to stop being a baby. So now I feel that I can be more reflective of the last couple of days and also of the last couple of months.  It has been a great ride.

We spent many nights on Navy Pier.
     Thursday we were in the city and I walked my north route going 9 miles and walking the lakefront on the return trip.  It's amazing to me how many people go to the beach everyday.  I never really thought that it had that much draw but I was wrong because on any given day, good weather or bad, thousands of people are there.  In the evening TWIK and I went to Zocalo for dinner.  She had red snapper and I had the chili rellenos and both were excellent.  It is a very cool restaurant and if it wasn't for me being so cheap I would give it a 5 out of 5 bricks, but it is pretty expensive so only 4.

The building next to ours from
the sun deck.
    On Friday I got up early and had breakfast on the sun deck.  I planned on renting a bike and riding the lakefront, but by the time I was ready to go it started pouring down rain so I changed my plans and went to the Museum of Science and Industry.  You can see my pictures from Facebook here.  I drove back to the apartment and we waited for friends of ours from Lisle to arrive. When they got here we showed them the apartment, walked to Navy Pier, had dinner at The Billy Goat Tavern (not the original, but the one on Navy Pier) and then we went back and watched the Olympic opening ceremonies.  It was a very pleasant way to spend our last night downtown.  Over the past two months we have had several guests and that has been really fun sharing our experience with our friends.  On Saturday we packed up and left.  We did stop for pie.

Picture from our last night in the city.

     So thus ends the Summer of Brick.  I am so fortunate that I was able to do this.  I don't try and make some rationalization about teachers getting their summers off.  It is a perk of the job, plan and simple.  I fully enjoy my summers and I enjoyed this one more than any of the previous ones because it was the most purposeful.  I feel like I truly made the most out of this time.  With almost no exceptions I found something to do everyday that I really enjoyed and I was happy to share with anyone that cared to share it with me.  I hope I get the opportunity to do something like this every summer from now on.  If not, I'll always have the "Summer of Brick".

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Day 51

Church at the Auditorium Theatre 
     I am pretty involved at our church in Lisle and have been for over 18 years.  We are a small church which means that people that are involved get to do multiple jobs for very long times.  When I knew for sure that we were going to be living in Chicago for two months I told our pastor that I would be taking a leave from those jobs for the times that we were gone because I wasn't sure which days we would have free and which days we would have plans.  He was fine with it and it has worked out so that we have been able to go to some church services at places that I have heard about for a long time but never got to experience first hand.  Sunday was one of those days when we were able to attend a satellite church of Willow Creek called Willow Chicago.  It was held in the Auditorium Theatre on Congress and they pretty much filled the place.  It was entertaining.  They had a simulcast sermon on their big screen and the speaker was very funny.  Their band was excellent, but I was a little shocked by a prelude that included a cover of Depeche Mode's "Your Own Personal Jesus".

Loco Moco
     After church we went to the only Hawaiian restaurant that we've come across in Chicago, "Aloha Eats".  It's been two years since our trip to Hawaii and I would go back in a heartbeat.  So we weren't looking for a Hawaiian restaurant, but when we found one we put it on the list of places to try.  Now I won't lie and say that we fell in love with Hawaiian food while we were there, but I will tell you that I ate more fresh fish in a week than I usually eat in a year.  They have a strange obsession with Spam and macaroni salad is ubiquitous in their restaurants.  But I did become fond of something called "Loco Moco".  It is a combination of rice, brown gravy, hamburger patties, and fried eggs.  It's comfort food.  As for "Aloha Eats" I would give it a 3 out of 5 bricks.  It was great for the nostalgia, but the food was only okay.

     Monday I walked 10 miles during the heat of the day and then we came back to Lisle so that we could get ready for the move back.  We decluttered the apartment a bit.  TWIK had some chores to do and I needed to mow the weeds, I mean grass.  It rained last night so that mowing didn't get done, maybe today.  But everything was leading up to the White Sox game last night.  Ty had such a good baseball season his senior year that he was named All-Conference, All-Area, All-State, and played on the Coaches Association All-Star Team for the West.  It was such fun being the guy on the side taking pride in all of his accomplishments.  Last night was probably the culminating event when he was recognized in a pre-game ceremony at U.S. Cellular Field.  It was pretty cool.

Coming out of the dugout

Being introduced

The Jumbotron shot
     I hope he realizes what he accomplished this year, it was stellar!  If he had aspirations to continue with baseball I have no doubt that he could play in college at a pretty high level, but the kid has a good head on his shoulders as well and wants to make his education his priority.  What kind of a father would I be if I didn't support that?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 48

Free t-shirt from the concert
    About the second day that we were downtown, I came across this website  I signed up for the email reminders and it has been great.  I have found out about days that were free at various attractions, street fairs, music events and so on.  But the absolute best thing that I got from "Free Things to do in Chicago" was the information about the Pop-Tarts Crazy Good Summer concert.  It was free for the first 4000 to sign up for it and if it's something to do on the Internet I'm a viking.  So I immediately got my name in and found out right before the concert that we got the tickets.  Now I will admit that the line up was targeted for a little younger audience, but if I learned anything from the Summer of Brick it's that age is a condition of the mind as much as a condition of the body.  So TWIK and I headed out on Thursday to watch Austin Mahone, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Boys Like Girls.  It was really, really fun.  I didn't know the first guy but I have loved Call Me Maybe ever since I saw the Youtube Harvard Baseball Team video.  And Boys Like Girls is TWIK's favorite new band.  In addition, Pop Tarts knows how to throw a free concert.  They handed out Pop Tarts, Pringles, free speakers complete with batteries and even gave me a plastic pancho when it started to rain.  They even had a parent's tent for the old people that brought their kids to the concert.  It was one of the best events in The Summer of Brick

City in the clouds.
     Before we left I was up on the sun deck and loved seeing all of the buildings in the clouds.  Earlier in the day I had spent about an hour and a half at our health club.  It was probably the most I've used the facility since we've been down here.  I'm starting to feel the crunch of trying to do all the things I wanted to do before our time is up.  Speaking of that, the people that we are sub leasing from gave us a call asking if we could be out by the weekend so that they could also get their stuff out since they've decided not to re-lease the apartment.  That was earlier than I had planned, but they've been good to us so we agreed that we would be out by the afternoon on Saturday.  So we are down to a week.  Ouch!

Another great FSL.
     Friday I had a plan to have a lunch with a former student that I hadn't talk with for over 17 years.  He's not even on Facebook so connecting up with him was completely by chance, but it was a really good opportunity to catch up with one of my past favorite students.  I was happy to hear how well he is doing as his life parallels mine quite a bit.  He too married an Asian girl in the medical field.  Later on Friday night Ty came down to spend the night.  We went out for Korean BBQ at 9:30 and stayed out until close to midnight. We are also getting close to the time when Ty goes to school so I think our whole family is living life with the idea of savoring our times together.  It has been great fun doing our summer stuff when Ty joins us.  

Today they ran and I walked to Lincoln Park Zoo and we looked at the animals for a while and then headed back to the apartment.  We spent a little time watching the sail boats on their Chicago to Mackinac Race.  Now we are headed out to lunch, I'm blogging while they get ready.  Life is good.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Day 45

     Monday was a Lisle day, a pretty good one but not much to report.  We saw Ty, I cleaned the pool, we had dinner and that was pretty much the day.  On Tuesday we stayed in Lisle until the afternoon and then we went to Revinia.  If you've never been to Revinia it is something that you should try at least once.  It is an outdoor music venue that has shows pretty much every night of the week.  The price of admission is based on the popularity of the act (obvious I know but what I'm saying is that sometimes you can go and it's pretty cheap).   It is also customary to bring food and drinks and basically have a picnic while you listen to the concert.  Some people get really carried away and have tables and candles and wine and the whole nine yards.  I was a tag along with TWIK and seven of her work friends.  I didn't know that no one else's spouse or significant other was going to go and that I would be the only dude.  Had I known I might have passed, but actually I'm okay with being the only guy on a girls night out.  So we went to see Diana Krall.  I have to admit that I didn't know much about her, but I listened to some stuff of her stuff on Youtube and I thought that she was very good and I like her style of music.  For the ladies it was just background noise because they were having a good time with each other.  Trying to be cool and unobtrusive I just sat back, ate and grooved to the tunes.  It was a very pleasurable evening.

      Today I walked south on the lake shore and got caught in a little shower.  I really like walking in the rain when it's not too much of a down pour.  Someone should write a song about it.  "I'm walking in the rain, tears are fallin' and I feel the pain" or something along those lines.
I know this picture isn't too good but you can see Ms. Krall on stage as well as on the big screen. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Day 42

      As I suspected Friday stunk.  I drove back to Lisle to go to the dentist only to find out that I'm looking at at least four more visits.  Yuk.  Sorry to all my dentist friends, but I'm very much an anti-dentite.  The rest of the day I pretty much just did the chores and tasted the grit from the cleaning.  I went back downtown about the same time that TWIK got off work.  She made pasta and we watched a movie, a Friday to be remembered.

Professional volleyball on Oak
Street Beach.
      Saturday I was back in the swing of things.  I decided that I was going to walk to Wrigley and the timing was good because they had a day game and I could walk with all the people on their way to see the Cubbies.  I've already said that I like the crowds and so this was fun for me.  The distance was 5.2 miles and the most I've ever walked in a day was 9 miles.  So this was going to be tough.  I added to the distance be taking a less direct way home because I wanted to go by the lakefront and check out the Jose Cuervo Beach Volleyball competition.  The women had the main court at the time I was there and they were good, but on the outside courts the guys were playing and they were awesome.  They play a very fast paced power game and it was cool to get to see it up close.

Looking down Michigan Ave.
     Afterwards I had some friends that were spending the weekend at the University Club on Monroe St. and Michigan Ave. and they asked if I'd like to come and see the place.  Even though I had already logged 10.5 miles earlier in the day I decided this was too good to pass up so I walked another 3 in the round trip there and back.  The University Club is over 100 years old and is one of the classiest places I've ever been.  It's all dark wood, vaulted ceilings with chandeliers.  I couldn't help thinking of Hogwarts.  In addition to that it over looks Grant Park with a fantastic view of the Bean and Millennium Pavilion.  It was well worth the trip, but it brought my total mileage for the day to over 13 miles walking.  Needless to say I didn't follow it up today.

The Wrigley Dixieland Band
What we did do today was go to Wrigley to actually see a baseball game.  We again went with friends and they are season ticket holders.  The reason that is significant is because season ticket holders have access to the United Club (something I didn't even know existed before last year).  It is a restaurant in the upstairs portion of Wrigley and they have really good food.  And if you get too hot or it starts raining it's a great place to get inside and relax and watch the game on their t.v.s.  I've been twice now and it is pretty special.  The game was great because the Cubs actually won and  swept the Diamondbacks.  Even when they don't win a trip to Wrigley field is always a good time.  We are now back in Lisle because Ty is coming home from his trip to Florida tomorrow morning and as always we are missing him terribly.  We will probably be here for the next couple of days, but we do have a couple of exciting things planned for the week.  The S.O.B. continues.  (Of course you know that stands for The Summer Of Brick)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 39

The Fredo from Lucky's.  Man vs. Food
came here and the challenge was to eat 3
of these in an hour.
     Wednesday was a pretty good day of exercise, eating and good company.  It started with me swimming at our health club.  I don't know if I'm getting better, but I do seem to be able to get my laps in faster.  Then I walked to UIC to meet former student Tony Marotta for lunch.  I have really enjoyed the lunch dates and meet-ups that I've been having with people while I've been down here.  It's not that I can't do this when I'm in Lisle, it's just that I haven't so maybe I'll make more of an effort after July.  We met at Lucky's.  The owners there put both the french fries and the cole slaw inside of the sandwiches making them huge.  I took most of mine out before eating it, but it was still difficult to finish.  This was another 4 out of 5 bricks.  Not the ultimate, but pretty darn good.  In addition to the nine miles that I walked and the swimming I also walked the ten flights of stairs from our apartment to the sun deck just for the heck of it.

Dinning by the big tank.
     Later on Wednesday we got dressed up and went over to the Shedd Aquarium for "Jazzin' at the Shedd".  It's a special promotion that they run where they have a couple of jazz groups playing, they have food and drinks for sale and they provide seating and servers.  It's a neat idea and seems to be extremely popular.  Since I had already been to the Shedd I mostly followed TWIK around so that she could see all the cool stuff they have there.  One thing that I did do this time that I didn't do last time was visit the jellies.  This exhibit was really nice and I have some great pictures from it.  I like the whales as well, but they are always not what I expect when I think of whales.  They are more like fat dolphins.  The music was really good and I like when we get dressed up to do stuff, it makes it more like a date.

I passed on the goat.
     Today we planned to visit the "Taste of Chicago".  The Taste is one of the few events that drew me downtown year after year.  I've always liked the festivals that communities do in the summer.  Lisle does "Eyes to the Skies", Naperville has "The Final Fling", Wheaton has the "Cream of Wheaton" and Chicago has the Taste.  It was a big disappointment this year.  They have cut it back considerably from past years.  It will only be five days instead of ten, there were probably less than half of the vendors that are usually there and because of that there wasn't the variety there that people are used to.  We spent about as much time at a cooking demonstration as we did walking the midway of restaurants.  It might be something that has run it's course if they continue to scale back.  I don't think people will make the effort if it stays this way for long.

Add caption
     So after that we decided to go to our fallback and see what was happening at the "Pier".  (that's what the locals call it).  There were two things that looked good; one was the Chicago Match Sailing Race and the other was Dueling Pianos at the Land Shark.  We got there at the end of the sailing races and they were very exciting.  I guess it's a pretty big deal, Chicago is the only American city on the world tour of this competition.  After that we went to listen to some more music.  I have really been impressed by the quality of the music that they have on the "Pier".  We have been over about four times and we have never been disappointed.  And it's even better that all of the concerts that we've seen there have been free to the public.  So the last two days have been pretty fun filled.  I start tomorrow off with a 9:00 am dentist appointment.  Woo-who!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 37

Grace on the sun deck.
     Not much to add over the last five days.  Friday TWIK's father and his wife came down for a nice visit and to see the apartment.  Saturday we came back to Lisle and stayed until Monday.  I played golf before we returned to the city.  Monday night we took a long walk to eat at the Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder Company, very good stuff.  I'm giving it a 4 out of 5 bricks, I liked everything except the sauce in the pizza pot pie because it reminded me of spaghetti sauce.  Otherwise everything was excellent.  I also liked the location across the street from where the St. Valentine's Day Massacre took place.  When we got back I realized that I didn't have my set of apartment keys so today I walked to Union Station and came back to Lisle again to retrieve them.  I'm about to walk back to the train.  Nothing planned for tonight except the walk back.  Sorry nothing very exciting to report.  Good stuff planned for the rest of the week so hopefully the next update will be more exciting.

I thought this was cool,
we saw it walking to dinner.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 32 (Independence Day Edition)

Great musician.  
     The last time I posted was on Sunday morning and I didn't think the rest of the day would be eventful, but thanks to Facebook I saw that a FB friend of mine was going to be playing with one of the three bands he plays bass guitar for at Navy Pier and so I was wrong, we did have a cool event.   We went and watched "The Kimi Hayes Band" play for about an hour and had a great time. So far we have gone to Navy Pier about half a dozen times since we have been down here. It is very convenient but it is also very cool.  Between the music, the people, the food and the fireworks we were very lucky to find a place so close to "all the action" and on any given day at any given time there always seems to be something going on there.

Not really health food, but this
has become my absolute favorite
thing to eat.
     Monday truly was uneventful, I watched a movie.  Other than that I did walk for a little bit but didn't go anywhere in particular and no one entertained me. Tuesday started a very rare occasion; TWIK had three weekday days off in a row.  That in itself is pretty exciting but we were also going to have two sets of visitors.  First a couple of our friends from Lisle came down to see the apartment and to have dinner.  They had heard me raving about the beignets from The Grand Luxe at Ty's graduation party and wanted to try them so we ate there and I think I can safely say they were not disappointed.  I don't know if we are in a rut but our "go to" restaurant has become The Grand Luxe, not only because it's close but we really want people that come to visit to have a good time and so far everyone that we have taken there has enjoyed the experience.  And the added bonus for me is that I most often get leftover beignets for breakfast the next day.  The second set of visitors were Ty and his friends and they stayed the night so that they could go to the beach on Wednesday.

The Corn Flakes box people.
      TWIK went all out making fruit pizza and buffalo chicken nachos for our overnight guests and like teenagers do they stayed up most of the night.  We love when Ty comes down and stays with us.  The worst part of being down here is missing him.  TWIK and I walked to the Art Institute of Chicago after depositing our sleepy guests at North Ave. Beach.  I have to admit the one thing that we haven't taken much advantage of while being downtown are the beaches.  I like to sit by or walk along them, but neither of us really enjoy laying out or swimming in the lake.  The first two Wednesdays of the month are the free days at the AIC and it has some of the most recognizable pieces of art in the world.  We spent most of the afternoon there and had a really good time.

The picture makes the
fireworks look further away
than they actually were.
     We collected the kids and went out for lunch/dinner.  It was not worth mentioning because the place that we wanted to eat was closed for the 4th and so we just settled for a sub place on Clark.  Unfortunately the kids had to get back to Lisle for various reasons and couldn't stay downtown for the fireworks.  One of the things we had been anticipating since we determined the location of our rental was the fireworks on the Fourth of July.  The people that we subleased from used it as a selling point because the rooftop sun deck is a perfect vantage point to watch from without having to fight the crowds afterwards, unless you want to ride the elevator back down to your apartment.  They were awesome and our view was completely unobstructed.  After the show was done on the lakefront it was awe inspiring to walk around the roof and watch as various communities around the Chicago area had their fireworks displays in the distance.  It was one of the most memorable times we've had in a summer of memorable times.

     Since many of you come here via Facebook you might have already seen my albums for the AIC and the fireworks but if not here are links to both:

I'll say this again and maybe I'll be happily incorrect like last time; today should be uneventful.  Now bring the magic Summer of Brick.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 28 The Half Way Point

    It's early on Sunday morning and right now I'm in Lisle.  Since this is the first day of July this is the half way point in "The Summer of Brick" and it's making me a little melancholy.  I've been thinking about next month when it's the first day of August and we no longer have the apartment and how that is going to feel a little bit weird to not have the option of staying downtown.  But I still have a month so I'll not be the pessimist that sees the calendar as half empty but rather the optimist that sees it as half full.

The Grand Hall at Union Station
     Thursday was a walking day.  I had no destination in mind, just a time goal.  I wanted to stay outside and moving for three hours.  So I didn't really venture too far in any one direction.  I spent time walking in Streeterville, along the lakefront, in Grant Park, and in the Loop.  I tried to slow my pace and just take in the sights and sounds of the city, but that is really difficult to do when everyone around you is walking fast and with purpose.  It was a very enjoyable walk, but it convinced me that it's time to buy some new shoes.  My dogs were barking by the time I got back to the apartment.  I fixed some pasta and salad for dinner after TWIK got off from work and we spent a quiet evening watching television.

I love this picture.  Our building is in the center
with the diamond pattern.  This was taken from
the Signature Room.
     Friday was a day that I wished I owned a bicycle because I would really have loved to go for a ride in the rain.  It has been unseasonably dry so far.  I can only remember it raining twice, but Friday we got a light drizzle and I didn't feel like walking much anyway so I opted for swimming.  I am a self-taught swimmer and that is to say I'm not very good at it.  I actually had a job as a life guard in high school but that was more about who I knew rather than what I knew.  So I've been trying hard to learn how to swim laps properly.  So far it is not pretty.  After swimming I had been contacted earlier by a former student that asked if he could take me to lunch sometime since we were both living downtown.  I said I would love that and he took me to the Signature Room which is located on the 95th floor of the Hancock Building.  It was great catching up with him and the lunch buffet was really good, 5 out of 5 bricks since I didn't have to pay so I'll go on the quality of the food alone for my rating.  The rest of the day was telling everyone I talked to about how cool lunch had been.

Ty's cupcake cake.  It did not survive the evening.
     Friday night we came back to Lisle to get ready for Ty's graduation party on Saturday.  We had made plans several years ago to have a joint party with our best friends the K's.  Our families have been friends ever since our sons meet playing baseball together back in second grade.  Saturday afternoon was a day of running to buy ice, picking up food and other party related supplies and the occasional jump in the pool to cool off.  The party went great and it was nice to see so many people there.  Although my evening consisted mostly of sitting, talking, and eating, the K's and TWIK outdid themselves in putting together a great event and if the comments that I heard were truthful then everyone had a good time.  We watched the Eyes to the Skies fireworks to top off party.  Today should prove uneventful.  We need to go help in the cleanup and then we are headed back downtown.  We did set up a couple of dinner dates for the coming weeks.

     And so at the half way point I'm going to declare "The Summer of Brick" a huge success.  Here is to hoping it continues.  

10 point bonus: where would you find this or several other inlays stating the same message?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 24

     What a fun day yesterday was.  I've realized that being down here can be pretty expensive and that I have to take advantage of the free or discounted stuff when I can.  TWIK has always been much more money conscience than me.  That's why she is such a fan of Groupon.  But yesterday I did pretty well.   Below are the pictures to prove it, free day at the Chicago MCA, while walking to Burrito Beach for lunch I was handed some Chicago Blend, put on my temp tattoo and scored a free burrito bowl, and then walked to Sprinkle's for a free cupcake (which I gave to TWIK).  Besides paying for a Diet Coke at BB, I didn't have to open my wallet ~ winning!  (too 4 months ago?)

Henri Matisse drawing at the Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art

Free Chicago Blend street pop corm from Garrett's

Free burrito bowl  from Burrito Beach

All I had to do was wear a temporary tattoo.

Free cupcake and coffee to promote the movie
"People Like Us".

     Then I went back to the apartment and waited for the boarding time for our Lake Michigan dinner cruise on the Mystic Blue.  We had a Groupon!!  It was very fun; good food, the staff falls all over you and we had nearly perfect weather.

The Ol' MB
Enjoying the beautiful skyline
Said skyline

     Today we traded in Chicago for Milwaukee to attend the opening day of Summerfest.  It's not a bad drive and TWIK had the day off so we exercised a little and then drove up to Wisconsin.  We had free tickets from a radio promotion last month.  The food was so so, basic state fair fare.  But the music was good.  I used to be amazed by all of the tattoos that I see whenever I go to Milwaukee, but it's not any different from down here anymore so NBD.  I'm posting a video of a guy that was really awesome.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 22

Inside Jane Addams' Hull House
     This post is going to be relatively short because we spent most of the last 5 days in Lisle and as anyone from there knows not much usually happens.  So going back to Thursday of last week I decided that I should do something that would be a benefit to my job and so I walked to Hull House which is located on the campus of the University of Illinois at Chicago.  I teach about Jane Addams and her work in the settlement house movement every year so I thought going there and getting pictures to show  to my classes might encourage them to go and check it out for themselves.  I won't say that it is riveting, but you can spend a pleasant hour there and make the trip worth the effort especially if you can tie some of the memorabilia to things we talk about in class.

All this for $6.99.
    As soon as I walked out of the front door of Hull House it began to rain.  This was really the first day I had rain on any of my walks all summer.  The weather has been very cooperative.  A couple blocks to the south is the famous Maxwell Street, home of great Chicago Blues music.  It's not anything like it was back in the day, but there is a sense of nostalgia there and some very good restaurants.  So I went into Hash Browns Cafe.  If you go to there website they have some interesting stuff.  They also have great food for very good prices if you're there for the lunch special.  I was very impressed 5 out of 5 bricks.  Here is some of the Maxwell Street trivia found on their website:


  • Maxwell Street is where the Maxwell Street Polish Sausage sandwich originated.
  • The famous direct-sales entrepreneur Ron Popeil began as a street vendor at the Maxwell Street Market.
  • The Maxwell Street Police Station, at Maxwell and Morgan Streets, was “Hill Street Station” in the 1980’s television series Hill Street Blues.
  • Maxwell Street was featured in the 1980 film The Blues Brothers. The scene opens with John Lee Hooker playing his song “Boom Boom” on Maxwell Street.
East All Stars dugout.

     Friday was basically a non-eventful day because we went back to Lisle to get ready for the State All Star game in Peoria on Saturday, the church picnic on Sunday, and Ty's graduation party next Saturday. The game was fun and overall a nice way to conclude a great season for my son who exceeded all of my expectations and impressed a lot of people during the year. If you've followed along on my Facebook page then you know that he has won just about every award that a high school baseball player in the state of Illinois can win.

Maybe the highest spot in the western suburbs

    On Sunday we stayed in Lisle and went to church at LBC and then to Blackwell Forrest Preserve for our annual church picnic.  I got a little bit of walking/hiking in there and climbed up Mt. Trashmore, nicknamed that because it was created with landfill and until very recently still burned off the methane that was vented there.  It's a great sled hill in the winter and a nice little heart accelerator before a hike.  Afterwards we gathered all of our lawn and deck furniture and moved it to the Kulavich house for our joint graduation party next Saturday.  A lot of work is going into the planning and preparation for this party and fortunately other people are doing it.

Looking north from the sun deck.

     Which brings us to today.  I'm writing this around 2:00 pm.  So far I have breakfasted on the sun deck and going to the pool and once again attempted to swim laps.  But I don't really have too much ambition today to much else than cruise the Internet and blog.  I will make myself get outside on the streets at some point but for now I'm content just to look out the window and playing on the computer.  Wow, that is not how I envisioned "The Summer of Brick", but it's like the saying goes, "I need a vacation from my vacation" or at least a short break.  Don't worry I have lots of stuff planned for the rest of the week.

      Revised: I did go for a walk to Oak Street Beach and watched the waves hit like a calm ocean.  See the video below.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 17

Some random woman on a bike.
    Our big activity on Monday was to rent bikes to ride up and down the lake front.  TWIK had the day off work and of course she had a Groupon so we planned the entire day around this ride.  We picked the bikes up around Belmont Harbor and then rode them up to the north shore Loyola campus.  Then we turned around and rode them back to Navy Pier and headed west to go eat lunch, more about that in a minute.  Afterwards we made our way back to the lakefront and rode back up to return the bikes.  It wasn't completely exhausting, but that was the first time I've been on a bicycle in a very long time.  I did feel it the next day.  We rode 18.5 miles and completely enjoyed a beautiful Chicago afternoon.

Soup to die for.
     Now about that lunch, I had read a Yelp review about a place called the Soupbox and they had rated it the best place for lunch in the Streeterville area.  So I looked at the menu and mostly all they serve is soup.  I'm not a huge soup as a meal guy, but I said that we should try it.  OH MY GRAVY!  It was the best soup I have ever had.  I ordered the lobster bisque which is the house specialty and I was in soup heaven.  I wish I could give it 5 bricks, but it was a little pricey for soup so I'll go as high as 4.5 bricks.  The sourdough bread they serve with it was also excellent and we dined al fresco, mostly so we could keep an eye on the bikes, and that made it a completely cool Chicago experience.

When in doubt head to Navy Pier.
     Yesterday I made a quick trip back to Lisle and then we had friends that were going to come down for the evening and so they picked me up and we drove back into the city.  Sorry to be cryptic about who, but they are not ready to go public with their relationship yet so I'm just going to call them "some friends I know".  The plan was to go back see the apartment, go up on the sun deck and look at the city and wait for TWIK to get off work and then head to the Grande Lux (almost always our first choice with new guests).  The problem was the roof was locked because of the wind.  So plan B was to walk to Navy Pier to kill time.  It was fun watching them act young.  Dinner and the night were a success and it also meant beignets for breakfast.

     Which brings me to today.  This week the Shedd Aquarium is having free admission for Illinois residence.  Now I realize when you offer something free in a city of 2.7 million people a couple of them are probably going to take advantage of the offer.  But really that was/is okay with me if I've got the time and right now I do.  So I waited in line for about an hour and I got to see a load of interesting people and interaction.  I did get a little sunburned and I'm sure I'm going to get in trouble for that.  The Shedd was as always entertaining and I got a good suggestion from a friend who is a volunteer diver there to check out these guys found in the video above.  Completely cool to just stand there and watch.  All told the walk to and from, the wait, and the time spent at the aquarium was about 5 1/2 hours.  I took a short nap afterwards and then went and attempted to swim laps; boy do I need help.  Another great couple of days in "The Summer of Brick".

I will conquer lap swimming, I will!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 14 (Father's Day Edition)

In front of the famous Moody Church
     I am on fire, two updates in two days.  Actually I had such a great day I just thought I would post about it while it is fresh in my mind.  When TWIK and Ty ask what I wanted to do on Father's Day the only thing that I really wanted was to go to Moody Church for their special service.  I had gone to their Men's Conferences in the past and I knew that they would be impressed by the building and the service.  So that was the main thing that I was looking forward to.  I didn't really know if the two had anything else in store for me.  It began with breakfast in bed with coffee and pastries from Pierrot Gourmet.  This is a 5 out of 5 bricks rating for both the coffee and the chocolate croissant. In addition I had an audio Father's Day card from my favorite television show "Modern Family" with a nice message from my son.  My presents included a swim cap, swim goggles, and a Groupon for a flying lesson and an actual flight behind the stick.  It should be interesting.  I love that during our trip to Bloomington I mentioned that I had been trying to learn to swim laps in the pool at our apartment and Ty used that info to determine his gift for me.  It was thoughtful and just what I wanted even if I didn't realize it.  I really liked the thought behind the gift as much as I liked the gift.  The second gift I'm pretty sure came from TWIK.  I'm intrigued about the opportunity, but I don't remember ever saying it was something I wanted to do.  Perhaps she is thinking of a second career for me.

   After breakfast we went to Moody and it was a great sermon and even better time with the fam.  Afterwards Ty surprised me with news that he was able to score tickets to the Cubs game.  But we had to go back Lisle to get them.  During our trip back home I decided that I had the time to replace my computer which had blown up last week.  I went to Costco and I got a great price on a closeout deal and I took it home.  I didn't have time to actually set the thing up, but I'm looking forward to finding sometime next week to get it up and running.  Loving computers is the most geeky thing about me, and I know that I'm opening myself up to lots of possibly clever comments by saying that, but I trust my readers to treat me with respect.

The scoreboard in the background
tells a very sad story.
     We were driving back into the city to go to Wrigley when Ty sprang even more good news on me.  He was named to the Illinois AA All State Baseball team.  He really had a phenomenal year!  I'm going to post this on Facebook at sometime when it becomes official, but you get the scoop just because you're willing to read my blog.  The Cubs game was fun like it always is and even more so because our seats were really great but the Cubs dropped another one.  We were sitting in the midst of several Red Sox fans, but when your team is so dismal it's hard to generate much competitive banter knowing that there is little chance that your smack talk won't be in vain.  We came back to the apartment and Ty went back to Lisle because he has to work tomorrow.

     And I'm sitting here just basking in thoughts of another great Father's Day. I am blessed to say that  I've had several in my life, but I think the thought that Ty is going away to college next year makes this one extra special.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 13

I need more t shirts like a need
a hole in my head, but that didn't
keep me from buying 3 of them.
     It's been four days between posts because I was away for three of the last four days in God's Country otherwise known as Indiana.  We were registering and orienting the boy for his time at IU.  Now I am very protective of my Chicago time even turning down my annual trip to Paris this summer in order to spend more time downtown.  On top of that just about anything that could go wrong on this trip did including a late night trip to the Emergency Room at Bloomington Hospital.  But the reality is that having the chance to spend three days with Ty was the best Father's Day gift I could have gotten.  It was great talking, hanging out and just sharing the experience of his time on campus.  I'm going to miss him terribly when he goes but I couldn't be happier with the choice that he has made to go to Indiana.  It is a perfect fit for him in so many ways and I've never seen a school that is so accommodating to their students.  He could have gone to an Ivy League school or some other big name school (he was accepted to Northwestern which was the only other school he applied to), but IU was his first choice ever since we visited last summer.  The fact that he was a Wells Scholar finalist didn't hurt either because they treated him so well during the interview process and I think that impressed him as well.  I know it impressed me.  So while he did his thing I walked the campus.

People, boat, Navy Pier
     Getting back late last night I determined that I was going to make the most out of today and boy did I.  I got up and went to our health club, swam, hot tubbed, and showered.  I came back to the apartment and had lunch and then went for a two hour walk.  I went down the lakefront to the Planetarium into Grant Park were I stumbled on the Puerto Rican Day parade.  There were some great "low riders", good music and lots of patriotic people watching the parade.  It was also cool that the parade went through Grant Park because I was able to walk along with it on the sidewalk and not really break stride.  I even think I was on the news because a camera man was filming me as I walked along. 

     After I got back to the apartment TWIK was just getting off from work and she wanted to go for a run.  I told her to knock herself out and while she was jogging I took a short nap.  Once she got back and I got up we started looking for stuff to do.  We had a choice of either a classical music concert at Millenium Park or an 80's cover band at Land Sharks on Navy Pier.  Guess which one won?  I know the quality of the sound and the video are not great, but take my word for it they transported me back to my head banging concert days.  Then to top off the evening we watched the fireworks show before heading home.  That's how you make up for lost (albeit good) time in Indiana.