Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 13

I need more t shirts like a need
a hole in my head, but that didn't
keep me from buying 3 of them.
     It's been four days between posts because I was away for three of the last four days in God's Country otherwise known as Indiana.  We were registering and orienting the boy for his time at IU.  Now I am very protective of my Chicago time even turning down my annual trip to Paris this summer in order to spend more time downtown.  On top of that just about anything that could go wrong on this trip did including a late night trip to the Emergency Room at Bloomington Hospital.  But the reality is that having the chance to spend three days with Ty was the best Father's Day gift I could have gotten.  It was great talking, hanging out and just sharing the experience of his time on campus.  I'm going to miss him terribly when he goes but I couldn't be happier with the choice that he has made to go to Indiana.  It is a perfect fit for him in so many ways and I've never seen a school that is so accommodating to their students.  He could have gone to an Ivy League school or some other big name school (he was accepted to Northwestern which was the only other school he applied to), but IU was his first choice ever since we visited last summer.  The fact that he was a Wells Scholar finalist didn't hurt either because they treated him so well during the interview process and I think that impressed him as well.  I know it impressed me.  So while he did his thing I walked the campus.

People, boat, Navy Pier
     Getting back late last night I determined that I was going to make the most out of today and boy did I.  I got up and went to our health club, swam, hot tubbed, and showered.  I came back to the apartment and had lunch and then went for a two hour walk.  I went down the lakefront to the Planetarium into Grant Park were I stumbled on the Puerto Rican Day parade.  There were some great "low riders", good music and lots of patriotic people watching the parade.  It was also cool that the parade went through Grant Park because I was able to walk along with it on the sidewalk and not really break stride.  I even think I was on the news because a camera man was filming me as I walked along. 

     After I got back to the apartment TWIK was just getting off from work and she wanted to go for a run.  I told her to knock herself out and while she was jogging I took a short nap.  Once she got back and I got up we started looking for stuff to do.  We had a choice of either a classical music concert at Millenium Park or an 80's cover band at Land Sharks on Navy Pier.  Guess which one won?  I know the quality of the sound and the video are not great, but take my word for it they transported me back to my head banging concert days.  Then to top off the evening we watched the fireworks show before heading home.  That's how you make up for lost (albeit good) time in Indiana.

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