Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 14 (Father's Day Edition)

In front of the famous Moody Church
     I am on fire, two updates in two days.  Actually I had such a great day I just thought I would post about it while it is fresh in my mind.  When TWIK and Ty ask what I wanted to do on Father's Day the only thing that I really wanted was to go to Moody Church for their special service.  I had gone to their Men's Conferences in the past and I knew that they would be impressed by the building and the service.  So that was the main thing that I was looking forward to.  I didn't really know if the two had anything else in store for me.  It began with breakfast in bed with coffee and pastries from Pierrot Gourmet.  This is a 5 out of 5 bricks rating for both the coffee and the chocolate croissant. In addition I had an audio Father's Day card from my favorite television show "Modern Family" with a nice message from my son.  My presents included a swim cap, swim goggles, and a Groupon for a flying lesson and an actual flight behind the stick.  It should be interesting.  I love that during our trip to Bloomington I mentioned that I had been trying to learn to swim laps in the pool at our apartment and Ty used that info to determine his gift for me.  It was thoughtful and just what I wanted even if I didn't realize it.  I really liked the thought behind the gift as much as I liked the gift.  The second gift I'm pretty sure came from TWIK.  I'm intrigued about the opportunity, but I don't remember ever saying it was something I wanted to do.  Perhaps she is thinking of a second career for me.

   After breakfast we went to Moody and it was a great sermon and even better time with the fam.  Afterwards Ty surprised me with news that he was able to score tickets to the Cubs game.  But we had to go back Lisle to get them.  During our trip back home I decided that I had the time to replace my computer which had blown up last week.  I went to Costco and I got a great price on a closeout deal and I took it home.  I didn't have time to actually set the thing up, but I'm looking forward to finding sometime next week to get it up and running.  Loving computers is the most geeky thing about me, and I know that I'm opening myself up to lots of possibly clever comments by saying that, but I trust my readers to treat me with respect.

The scoreboard in the background
tells a very sad story.
     We were driving back into the city to go to Wrigley when Ty sprang even more good news on me.  He was named to the Illinois AA All State Baseball team.  He really had a phenomenal year!  I'm going to post this on Facebook at sometime when it becomes official, but you get the scoop just because you're willing to read my blog.  The Cubs game was fun like it always is and even more so because our seats were really great but the Cubs dropped another one.  We were sitting in the midst of several Red Sox fans, but when your team is so dismal it's hard to generate much competitive banter knowing that there is little chance that your smack talk won't be in vain.  We came back to the apartment and Ty went back to Lisle because he has to work tomorrow.

     And I'm sitting here just basking in thoughts of another great Father's Day. I am blessed to say that  I've had several in my life, but I think the thought that Ty is going away to college next year makes this one extra special.

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