Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 32 (Independence Day Edition)

Great musician.  
     The last time I posted was on Sunday morning and I didn't think the rest of the day would be eventful, but thanks to Facebook I saw that a FB friend of mine was going to be playing with one of the three bands he plays bass guitar for at Navy Pier and so I was wrong, we did have a cool event.   We went and watched "The Kimi Hayes Band" play for about an hour and had a great time. So far we have gone to Navy Pier about half a dozen times since we have been down here. It is very convenient but it is also very cool.  Between the music, the people, the food and the fireworks we were very lucky to find a place so close to "all the action" and on any given day at any given time there always seems to be something going on there.

Not really health food, but this
has become my absolute favorite
thing to eat.
     Monday truly was uneventful, I watched a movie.  Other than that I did walk for a little bit but didn't go anywhere in particular and no one entertained me. Tuesday started a very rare occasion; TWIK had three weekday days off in a row.  That in itself is pretty exciting but we were also going to have two sets of visitors.  First a couple of our friends from Lisle came down to see the apartment and to have dinner.  They had heard me raving about the beignets from The Grand Luxe at Ty's graduation party and wanted to try them so we ate there and I think I can safely say they were not disappointed.  I don't know if we are in a rut but our "go to" restaurant has become The Grand Luxe, not only because it's close but we really want people that come to visit to have a good time and so far everyone that we have taken there has enjoyed the experience.  And the added bonus for me is that I most often get leftover beignets for breakfast the next day.  The second set of visitors were Ty and his friends and they stayed the night so that they could go to the beach on Wednesday.

The Corn Flakes box people.
      TWIK went all out making fruit pizza and buffalo chicken nachos for our overnight guests and like teenagers do they stayed up most of the night.  We love when Ty comes down and stays with us.  The worst part of being down here is missing him.  TWIK and I walked to the Art Institute of Chicago after depositing our sleepy guests at North Ave. Beach.  I have to admit the one thing that we haven't taken much advantage of while being downtown are the beaches.  I like to sit by or walk along them, but neither of us really enjoy laying out or swimming in the lake.  The first two Wednesdays of the month are the free days at the AIC and it has some of the most recognizable pieces of art in the world.  We spent most of the afternoon there and had a really good time.

The picture makes the
fireworks look further away
than they actually were.
     We collected the kids and went out for lunch/dinner.  It was not worth mentioning because the place that we wanted to eat was closed for the 4th and so we just settled for a sub place on Clark.  Unfortunately the kids had to get back to Lisle for various reasons and couldn't stay downtown for the fireworks.  One of the things we had been anticipating since we determined the location of our rental was the fireworks on the Fourth of July.  The people that we subleased from used it as a selling point because the rooftop sun deck is a perfect vantage point to watch from without having to fight the crowds afterwards, unless you want to ride the elevator back down to your apartment.  They were awesome and our view was completely unobstructed.  After the show was done on the lakefront it was awe inspiring to walk around the roof and watch as various communities around the Chicago area had their fireworks displays in the distance.  It was one of the most memorable times we've had in a summer of memorable times.

     Since many of you come here via Facebook you might have already seen my albums for the AIC and the fireworks but if not here are links to both:

I'll say this again and maybe I'll be happily incorrect like last time; today should be uneventful.  Now bring the magic Summer of Brick.

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