Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Brick and the Bug

     This morning I was running a little bit late for work and so I quickly jumped in my car and sped out of the driveway towards school.  When I came to the first stop sign on River I happened to look closely at my windshield and I saw a small bug directly in my line of sight.  It was hanging on to a small piece of grit that was stuck on the windshield.  As I turned onto Ogden and headed west I noticed that the bug was holding fast to that anchor and as my car picked up speed I could see the struggle that the bug was having to maintain it's grip.  With each incremental increase in speed I could see the little bug redoubling it's effort to not be whisked away in the slipstream.  It was remarkable to me that it was able to hold on as I went faster and faster.  What a herculean task for such a small creature to be able to withstand the forces that allied against it.   Finally I came to the stop light at Yackley and slowed my car to a stop.  I watched as the little bug appeared to relax it's hold on the windshield and take a few bug size steps away from the grit.  While I watched all these events unfold I thought to myself, "There are so many lessons that we can learn from nature.  Here is this little bug struggling to hold on to the known supposed safety of it's little piece of grit against a tremendous force that seems to be pulling it away.  It was even willing to risk injury to maintain it's grasp on the comfort of current circumstances rather than allow new events to take it in a direction that it couldn't conceive of or anticipate.  How so like some people that find a comfortable spot and resist change at all cost."  Then I turned on the windshield wipers and crushed him while I again thought to myself,
"nature can be so cruel."


  1. You are hilarious. And I think you made up "Yackley" to rhyme with "Hackley."

    1. all places and events in this story are true. ;-) but I do remember when I first moved to Lisle the similarity in the street names.

  2. ayup i can vouch that there is a yackley in lisle. poor bug, i might have tried knocking on the inside of the windshield to encourage him to let go. it wasn't raining so why use the wiper?
